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What is the reason for the diaphragm filter press spray?
- 2021-09-26-

In the daily production process of the diaphragm filter press, the phenomenon of material injection sometimes occurs, which is a common problem in the operation of the diaphragm filter press. However, it will affect the circulation of the diaphragm filter press system and make the filtration operation impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to Attention. When the spray material of the diaphragm filter press is serious, it will directly damage the filter cloth and filter plate of the filter press, increasing the cost of use of the enterprise. So what is the reason for the spraying of the diaphragm filter press? Let's make it together to find out.

1. When the filter cloth of the diaphragm filter press is installed, there will be wrinkles, which will cause gaps between the filter plates and spray. This is a common problem.

2, This may be caused by the high feed pressure of the diaphragm filter press. Many users do not install a pressure gauge on the feed pipe, which causes the feed pressure to be uncontrolled and sprayed.

3. The high pressure of the filter plates of the diaphragm filter press is insufficient. When the feed pressure is added, the force between the filter plates will cause the filter plates to spread and cause spraying.

4. There are debris and other debris on the sealing surface of the filter plate of the diaphragm filter press, and there is always a large gap after compressing the filter plate. Therefore, the sealing surface should be cleaned after removing the filter cake.

5. The sealing surface of the filter plate of the membrane filter press has a through groove, or the filter plate itself may be damaged.

According to the above five reasons, it is not difficult to find out whether there is a problem with the diaphragm filter press, whether there is a problem with the connection between the user and the operating principle of the diaphragm filter press, and whether there is any inappropriateness. The operation of the diaphragm filter press is the main reason for the occurrence of spray.

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